STENDKER Tropical Fish Food

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STENDKER Tropical Fish Food

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Stendker Tropical Fish Food is a professional compound feed with a wide range of rich nutritional content, recommended for all kinds of ornamental fish such as Rams, Apistogramma, Cichlids, Livebearers, Tetras, Plecos, and more.

The Tropical Fish Food is developed using the best ingredients, consisting mainly of artemia, beef heart, daphnia, cyclobic crayfish and spinach along with numerous minerals and vitamins. As a high quality single food, it is best suited for tropical freshwater fish.


What makes this food different?

Unlike similar products by other brands, the STENDKER Tropical Fish Food has low filler content which gives it higher concentration and density. Similar to GoodHeart, it is bound and perfectly mixed so that it doesn’t break in water. This way the fish can eat better and the water is less strained.

The food also contains pediococcus acidilactici, which is a strain of lactobacteria that has been shown to aid in the digestion of fish. Due to the probiotic effect, digestion is promoted and the animals can process the high-quality ingredients even better.


Dosage & Feeding Information:

Feed your fish 3 times daily:

1 x morning (1 hour after the daytime lighting is switched on)1 x midday (preferably at the same time each day)1 x evening (2 hours before the daytime lighting is switched off)


The food must be kept frozen and has to be defrosted before each feeding. Do not defrost under running water as that will wash out important vitamins.

Please avoid over-feeding and feed only what the fish can consume within five minutes. Uneaten food will negatively affect water quality and water chemistry values. 

Additional information


100 g

STENDKER Tropical Fish Food

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